The 3rd and the Mortal - тексты песен с переводом

The 3rd and the Mortal
    На данной странице собраны - 39 текстов песен исполнителя/группы The 3rd and the Mortal.
  • Язык: Английский, Норвежский

Список текстов

Why so Lonely 2002
Autopoema 2002
Vandring 2002
Shaman 2002
Death-Hymn 2002
Salva Me 2002
Silently I Surrender 2003
Song 2002
Trial of Past 2002
Grevinnens Bønn 2003
Lengsel 2002
Sorrow 2003
In Mist Shrouded 2002
Oceana 2002
Commemoration 2002
Crystal Orchids 2002
Horizons 2002
Veiled Exposure 2002
Stream 1999
Spider 2002
Sort of Invisible 2003
The City 2003
Those of My Kind 2002
Thin Dark Line 2002
Drone 2003
Good Evening Mr. Q 2002
Zeppoliner 2002
Sleep 2002
Vavonia 2003
Myriad of Peep-Holes 2002
Did You 2002
Harvest 2002
The Meadow 2003
Depth of Memories 2003
Sophisticated Vampires 2002
So Pure 2002
Neurosis 2003
Ring of Fire 2003
Horizon 2003