Disgorge - тексты песен с переводом

    На данной странице собраны - 22 текстов песен исполнителя/группы Disgorge.
  • Жанры: Метал
  • Язык: Английский

Список текстов

Spasmobliterance Filtrates Scabs 2000
Scid 2000
Ravenous Funeral Carnage 2000
Raise the Pestilence 2000
Necrholocaust 2000
Macabre Realms of Inhuman Bestiality 2000
Sodomic Baptism 2000
Haemorph Endarteriectomized Punzed Eozinophille 2000
Jaundice of Hookworm 2000
Crevice Flux Warts 2000
Boiling Vomit Through My Veins 2009
Goremassacre Perversity 2009
Urethrive Decortico-Xanthomatose Muco Gestated Scaffolds 2000
Jism Adipose Carbonization 2000
Excremential Lust 2009
Gribbled Maggotized Pregnant Inside into a Fetid Renal Sarna 2021
Faecalized 2021
Pedophilamorphia of Excreachollemical Endolapse 2021
In the Acro Cianotyc Post Clonning Ectopysm 2021
Lymphatic Orgy in a Ulcerated Incubation 2021
The Vile Sores in Urticariothrocisism Goulashed Decrepitance 2021
Stygmatodermuropyanephrosism on Impetiginose Urogenism 2021